Friday, February 21, 2014

Neuro-developmental Impairment in Malaria - post from Nate Herr (PL2)

Posted on behalf of Nate Herr (PL2)

I've alluded to some of the pediatric clinical research and
collaboration happening here in Kampala, it's really quite extensive and
thorough.  I'll do my best to summarize.

Malaria has long been a common disease in the equatorial tropics.
 It has a spectrum of severity, depending on the type of malaria one is
infected with and the age and health of the person infected.  The most
severe form of malaria is cerebral malaria which involves a patient in
coma and is fatal if the malaria is not treated.  This is thought to be
from the parasitized red blood cells sequestering in the blood flow to
the brain or due to inflammation, the answer is not yet clear.

Earlier, the same collaboration group with UMN and Mulago Hospital,
studied and compared two types of severe malaria.  One that I
mentioned, Cerebral Malaria, and Severe Malaria with Anemia.  They
followed the children through their illness and after they went home.
 They did continued EEGs tracking seizures, neuropsych and cognition
testing and found that children with anemia and no initial brain
involvement with their malaria still had deficits and disability down
the road.  These disabilities are a big problem in Uganda and
sub-saharan Africa and already the research group here is studying to
see if rehab programs can help children regain their abilities.


What is about to start is a broader look at children with milder
forms of malaria to see if they also have disability from it.  In this
study, blood tests will also be done to look for clues as to what is
actually causing it.  Home visits and clinic visits will again follow
the children after their initial illness.

Neuro Exam Photo.JPG
Ahmed, Denis (our two medical officers with the study) and Dr. Postels

Our Ugandan Medical Officers are a critical part of this.  We held a training session today with Dr Doug Postels,
our Michigan State collaborator.  He lectured on the neuro exam then
afterwards the medical officers practiced, asked questions, and gave
much needed feedback on the forms and documentation that we've been
editing and creating these last weeks.

Every day I'm learning another piece of what it takes to get good
information to answer good questions for the betterment child health
care.  Nothing is ever simple and straightforward and the best insight
comes from looking at the problem from all angles-- with medicine being
only one of the angles.

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